New Order of Druids - New Order of Druids


New Order of Druids

What is the New Order of Druids?

The New Order of Druids is an international community which operates both online on the internet and offline locally. It…

The New Order of Druids is an international community which operates both online on the internet and offline locally. It is open for anyone who is genuinely interested in the Druid path and everything related to it, such as Celtic culture, history and mythology. We welcome people from everywhere in the world, regardless of ethnic origin, gender or religion. You do not need to define Druidism as your religion in order to be able to join, you are also welcome when you follow another religion, or none at all.

The New Order of Druids is an official non-profit organisation located in Belgium. Local groups (Nemetons) may be registered as a non-profit organisation in the country they are located at.

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What happens with the money of upgraded membership, book purchases, etc...?

profits made from sales and services, or NOD upgraded membership, remains entirely within the New Order of Druids. We are…

profits made from sales and services, or NOD upgraded membership, remains entirely within the New Order of Druids. We are a non-profit organisation, which means that all the work is done by volunteers and nobody earns any personal profit. The money is used to cover the various expenses that come with a website such as ours, including but not limited to legal expenses, insurances, Virtual Private Server and domain name expenses, software purchases, ... We also donate 5 € per upgrade and per year to at the end of each year. 

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