NOD News - New Order of Druids

NOD Latest News

New Order of Druids now also on Twitter!

As of today, you can also follow the New Order of Druids on Twitter. You can find us there at this URL:

Our new website will go online near the end of this month, and will allow for further integration with Twitter and other social networks.

Preparations for the new website

It is possible that you may currently experience the website as slow, or that you are logged out again automatically after a few hours. We are aware of these issues, and are currently working on a completely new version of the website of the New Order of Druids. This new website is expected to go online in June or July.

In anticipation of the launch of our new website, we would like to inform you that the following website features will be discontinued:

- Image Gallery: if you uploaded your own pictures to the general image gallery and you don't have a copy of them anymore, please download them again as soon as possible.

- Druid Blogs: if you posted blog entries of which you do not have a copy, please copy them to your computer as soon as possible.

Thank you for your understanding.

New book: King Arthur and the 'Gods' of the Round Table

We thought you might be interested to know that a new book has been released by David Dom, the founder of the New Order of Druids.

The book is called 'King Arthur and the Gods of the Round Table'. As the title implies, this book is not about investigating King Arthur's historical origins, but rather about his origins as a Solar God in the sky, at the head of the Celtic pantheons of both Wales and Ireland. What if Arthur's legendary 'Twelve Battles' are really the twelve Zodiac signs through which the sun travels throughout the year? And what if the Knights of the Round Table are mortal memories of ancient Celtic gods - of Wales and Ireland? Even the Ladies of Camelot, such as Queen Guinevere and Morgan Le Fay, can in fact be retraced to their origins as ancient Goddesses of the earth. The survival of these gods and goddesses in Arthurian legend stands as a shining testament of a story far more ancient, but by no means lost to us...

The book is currently available for purchase from at this link:

If you are interested in purchasing a signed copy, please contact the author directly. You can do so on this related website and/or Facebook page:



The author's thanks goes out to a few people for their valuable help to complete this book:

- Narcissa Mia for the cover artwork and Jules Mather for editing/correcting, both esteemed members of N.O.D.
- Karen Han for revising/correcting, head of the 'Arthurian Myths and Legends' Yahoo discussion group
- Yuri Leitch for his foreword, he is the author of 'Signs & Secrets of the Glastonbury Zodiac'

We hope you will consider to purchase this book and that you will find its contents to your liking!

Our 10th anniversary celebration!

Today is Imbolc, the beginning of Spring according to the Celtic calendar, but ten years ago, it was also the beginning of the New Order of Druids.  It all began with a small and simple website with discussion forums, which were opened on February 1, 2003. From there, it has continued to grow into what it has become today, for which we should especially offer thanks to you, the members of N.O.D. who kept our community active, and who helped make all this possible.


In order to celebrate our 10th anniversary with you, we have some special news to share with you, so read on!

Our Imbolc 2013 edition of the Oran Mór quarterly Celtic E-Zine has now been released! And because it's an anniversary edition, this one is larger than ever... and even better -- it's FREE for all members to download, even if you're not upgraded!
FREE MEMBERS can download the Imbolc 2013 edition at this link (make sure you are logged in first, then scroll down to below the text):

UPGRADED MEMBERS and contributors can use this link (make sure you are logged in first), where it will also be possible to download all previous editions:
If you are not an Upgraded Member yet, we invite you to take a look at the advantages that this upgrade offers. When you read on, you will learn about the current discounts we offer on membership fees for our anniversary!

As of today, we are offering a temporary discount on upgraded membership fees. You now pay 19,95 € for one year (instead of 29,95 €), and 39,95 € for two years (instead of 49,95 €).  Additionally, the first five members who upgrade their account (or renew their upgrade) for two years, will get a FREE copy of the poetry and art book "Spirit of Dán"!
This discount is valid between February 1, 2013 and October 30, 2013. The discount does not apply to family discount membership fees. 
For the upgraded memberships which are not about to expire within the time period of this offer, we will automatically grant an additional month for free. This will be implemented with the launch of our new website this year (see below).
For more information on upgrading your account and its advantages, go to this URL:
We offer a temporary discount for the book "Entering The Forest", which contains the Bardic Youth Course.  Between February 1, 2013 and October 30, 2013, we offer this book at the price of merely 10 € (excluding shipping costs). 
In order to benefit from this discount price, do not place your order through our Cafepress store, but go to this URL instead:
You have the ability to pay with credit card, Paypal or by bank. The book will be shipped from Belgium, and this discount is valid only until our stock has been depleted.

Last but not least, we are happy to announce the launch of our new Podcast. After a number of hosting issues with our previous podcast, it has been down for awhile, but we're back! This time, we have opted to use as our new platform, considering that many people have an account there as well.  If you subscribe to the NODCast channel there, you will automatically receive updates from new editions!
The NODCast is free for everyone, and can be found at this link:

High on the agenda for this year, is the launch of a completely new website for the New Order of Druids. The intention is to improve functionality, give our website a new and fresh look, guarantuee a continued security on the internet, and hopefully add some new features in the mix! 
We do not yet have an exact date at which the new website will be launched, but we expect it to occur within the upcoming 6 months.  At any rate, you will be notified by e-mail beforehand.  On the date of launch, the website will be offline for a short time (which may vary between a few hours to a few days at most).
To compensate for the inevitable downtime which will accompany the launch of the new website, we will offer an extra month of upgraded membership to members who have an active upgrade at that time.  This extra month will be added automatically for you when the new website goes online.
At any rate, we will keep you updated on any news!

Ovate Youth Course: book now also available

We are happy to announce that the Ovate Youth Course is now also available for purchase as a book at our online store.  The book is titled "Walking With Trees" and encompasses the entire course, excluding the assignments only, which can of course be downloaded at the Grove of Dana online Druid college. The book is available for only $18 USD.

You can find this book at our online store on this link:

Vacation N.O.D. Administration

The main administration of N.O.D. (membership administration and webmaster) will be on vacation from September 10 to September 20. Any inquiries for these departments will not be addressed until after the 20th.

We are also aware that there are some persistent issues with the "Activity Wall" and are still awaiting the software provider's solution, but it may be that a solution will not be implemented until after the 20th, for which we apologize.

Thank you for your understanding.

Possible problems with registering a new account

It may be possible that new members will experience problems registering a new account. An error may appear that the system is unable to connect to the anti-spam filter. 

Every new registration is always compared to the spam filter of the website, in order to keep spammers away from our community. It may happen, occassionally, that the website is down or otherwise unreachable, which then prevents new registrations from being accepted.

Unfortunately, this is something outside our power to control. If this occurs to you, we recommend that you try again on a frequent basis, usually the problem persists only for a short time.

This issue will only occur for new registrations. It does not affect logging in or other parts of our website.

Ovate Youth Course now available!

We are proud to announce that as of today, the "Ovate Youth Course" has officially been launched!

The Ovate Youth Course is an immediate follow-up to the Bardic Youth Course, which must be completed first before enrolment is possible. Naturally, the Ovate Youth Course is also written to be aimed toward children and teenagers, although adults are welcome to take the course too, of course. The course is entirely free of charge, but you need to be a registered member of the New Order of Druids (which is, as you know, also free), and you need to log in at least once every 60 days. If you already registered an account in the Grove of Dana college, you can use this same account to join the Ovate Youth Course (as well as any other courses).

The Ovate Youth Course is based on the same system as the Bardic Youth Course, which makes it a self-paced course which works with assignments. This doesn't mean that the student is expected to write tons of text in essays, and we have kept essays to an absolute minimum, giving more attention to creativity and experience.

It is possible to see a preview of both the Bardic Youth Course and Ovate Youth Course here:

Bardic Youth Course:

Ovate Youth Course:


New Order of Druids page on Google+

If you have an account on Google+, then we invite you to add our new NOD page to your "circles". You can find it at this URL:

New course: Becoming Aware

We are happy to announce that today, we have launched a new course by the name "Becoming Aware".  Most people spend their lives cocooned within themselves with a never ending litany of words going on in their minds to the point where they lose sense of the world around them. This can create feelings of isolation, yet it is mostly self imprisonment. This course is designed to bring you awareness of the world around you by simply re learning how to use the senses and how to listen to the messages they bring.

This course can be taken separately from any of the other courses (you don't need to have completed another course first).  We do recommend that, if you are taking any of our Druid courses, the "Becoming Aware" course will be a worthy supplement, and it will also help build up a vital connection.

The "Becoming Aware" course is only available to Upgraded Members. This also means that students in this course will be assigned a mentor who will guide them through the course. If you are not an upgraded member yet, check out this URL to find out what the benefits are of an upgraded account:

You can enrol in the "Becoming Aware" course right away at this URL (make sure you are logged in first):
(scroll down until you see "Becoming Aware Course" and click "Join course with mentor" on the right)

We would like to give special thanks to Kirsten Ellis aka Karayana, former NOD Council Member and founder of "Indigo Readings". Kirsten is the author of this course and will also be your mentor upon enrolling.  You are invited to check out her own website as well at: