NOD News - New Order of Druids

NOD Latest News

Free Celtic Greeting Card Service

NOD offers a Free Celtic E-Card Service. The software has recently been renewed and now offers more than 70 e-cards. Check out this link:

Website back online!

We are happy to announce that the website of the New Order of Druids is back online, after a week of intensive work on software upgrades.

At first glance, the website will not look very different from before, as the layout remains mostly the same. Nonetheless, the software behind it has gone through many changes and improvements. This has allowed us to resolve some issues. For example, the problems with uploading images to your gallery, have now been fixed, and you can add your photos to your profile's gallery as well as to the Activity Wall.

The largest change is that of the Grove of Dana - Online Druid College, where we have implemented new software that is much more user friendly. The old software is still available too for existing students, as the course progress could unfortunately not be imported into the new software.

If you are an upgraded member who upgraded prior to August 22, 2017, we have good news for you. To compensate for the week's downtime of the website, we offer you a free extension of your upgraded membership for one full month. You don't have to do anything for this, the expiration date has already been corrected for you to one month later. 

Please keep in mind that some minor upgrades will still take place in the upcoming days or weeks. This means that the website might be offline for short times every now and then, although we will try to limit that to an absolute minimum.

We hope you enjoy the renewed website!

Website downtime for upgrades

As we have informed you before, we have been in the progress of performing software upgrades to improve the website and fix some issues we have been dealing with as of late.As we have informed you before, we have been in the progress of performing software upgrades to improve the website and fix some issues we have been dealing with as of late.

To perform these upgrades, the website will be offline as of Monday, August 21. The upgrades are expected to take up a few days' work at least, so the website will likely be offline during that time, and be back online before the end of the week.

The way the main website looks and works will not change drastically, but there will be major changes in regards to the Grove of Dana online Druid college. We will be switching to a different college software platform that will allow for a much more user-friendly look & feel, a better integration with the main website, and less technical issues. 

Once the website is back online, we will be sending out another email with further information. If you are a student in the Druid College, we strongly recommend to keep an eye out for the email later this week, and read it carefully, as it will contain important information for you. 

As for members who have paid for an Upgraded Membership, we will provide an extension of the upgraded membership duration to compensate for the downtime of the website this week. This will be done automatically when the website is back online.

Thank you for your understanding.

Website maintenance, July 3

We want to inform you that upcoming Monday, July 3, the website of the New Order of Druids will be temporarily unavailable.

We will be moving the entire website and all its components to a new and updated server, and this will take several hours to complete. We will let you know when the website is back online and operational.

The transfer of the website to a new server is a first step toward much needed software updates, in order to resolve a number of ongoing issues (such as login problems with the college, as some members experience as of late). In the upcoming week, there will be more periods of downtime expected as we continue to perform the needed software upgrades. We will try to keep the downtime to a minimum and will keep you informed about this.

During the downtime of the server and website, you can also follow our progress on our Facebook page:


NOD on Instagram

instagramAs of now, you can also follow the New Order of Druids on Instagram.

You can find our Instagram page on this link:

Website update announcement

If you are a frequent visitor of the NOD website, you may have noticed that we've been dealing with some issues and changes in the past few weeks. Most of these issues have been resolved, and some improvements have been introduced. Nonetheless, we would like to inform you about some important upcoming changes. Especially important is the changes we've made to the Activity Wall, so make sure to read this email carefully.

Current changes and updates

We are glad to announce that we have purchased an SSL-certificate for the main NOD website, allowing the website to load with a https-protocol. This means that the connection between your computer and the website is now much more secure. Even though we have not encountered any actual security issues in the past 10 years, we wanted to comply with what is rapidly becoming the current internet standard for trustworthy websites. This https-protocol applies to the main website at as well as the Online Druid College.

In the past few weeks, we have been performing some important software updates. These updates not only provide enhanced security, but also some new features and layout-changes. This is most prominent in the look & feel of member profiles on the website - all your profile information is still on there, but the profile layout itself has had a bit of an overhaul. It is also possible to create your own new discussion groups, which offer a great deal of functionality (see below).

These updates did not come without software issues. Among these issues were login-problems for newly registered members, as well as inoperational profiles and groups. Most of these issues have been resolved, although there are still a few that we are working on. It is, at this time, not possible to upload images to your profile Gallery (linking to external URL's, however, does work), and the Friends Map is currently not operational. We are working on finding a fix for these issues as well.

Switching from the old to the new Activity Wall

In 2013, we introduced an "Activity Wall", which provides some Facebook-like social networking functionality and allows NOD members to easily connect and interact with each other. As part of the aforementioned updates, however, we have switched to a different software for this part of the website. The new "Wall", which is already operational on the website right now, is much more user-friendly, faster, more stable and better integrated than the previous version. However, it is important to know that the change of software does not allow old Wall posts, groups and image galleries to be automatically transferred over. 

You need to keep the following in mind:

  • If you have Activity Wall posts that you want to keep, you will need to re-post them on the new Wall.
  • If you have uploaded images to the gallery associated with the old Activity Wall, they will be removed. Make sure to have copies of all your own pictures. You will be able to repost them by uploading them to the Gallery in your profile. However, the profile Gallery is currently not operational yet and uploads will fail. We will let you know when this issue is resolved.
  • Discussion Groups you have created will be removed. You are able to create a new group though, to where you can copy all your previous information, links, etc... You will find that the functionality of the new group system is much improved.

If you have any of the above data, posts or images that you want to keep, make sure to make a copy of them before April 25, 2017! After that date, the old Activity Wall with its groups and galleries will be permanently removed from the website!

IMPORTANT: the "My Wall" menu link will send you to the new Wall. To find the old Activity Wall with its galleries and groups, go to "Old Wall" in the submenu "My Wall". 

We will be sending another reminder five days before the Old Wall will be permanently removed.

Future changes and updates

The current changes on the website are part of the preparation for a larger software update. This software update will take place when the website is moved to a new, enhanced server. This will probably take place around the beginning of May. When these improvements take place, the website will probably be offline for a few days. We will inform you about this before these changes will take place.

Another important change will come for the Online Druid College. We are planning to change to a different software that allows for an easier and more user-friendly environment for both students and mentors. These changes are at the current time not yet implemented and will probably take place sometime in May. Until then, you can of course continue to use the current college to work on your course(s). We will keep you updated on this as well.

That's it for now. We can't promise you that the website is currently bug-free as there will surely still be some issues popping up that need to be addressed. However, we are making good progress and hopefully everything will be completed in about a month from now. Make sure to pay the website a visit one of these days!

Registration problem resolved

A few days ago, we reported a problem with new members registering and then not being able to login.

We are happy to announce that this problem is now resolved, and new members who register should be able to login normally after completing the registration. 

If you still encounter issues logging in, don't hesitate to contact us.

Problem with passwords for new account registrations

(This is not an April Fool's joke)

Due to a software issue, the website is currently experiencing a problem with the passwords of new accounts that are registered here. Even after successfull registration and confirmation, the website refuses to log in new members and keeps saying the password is incorrect, even when it is actually entered correctly.

If you wish to create an account on our website, try choosing a password that contains no numbers, capitals or other special characters, only lowercase letters. After successfull registration and logging in, you will be able to change your password to something else of your choice, even if it contains numbers and/or uppercase letters. 

If you still experience problems logging in after registration, please use the "Contact us" form (sub-menu under "Home") to let us know about this. We will then send you a new password, with which you will be able to login. After logging in you will be able to change your password to anything of your choice again.

Note that this does not affect members who are already registered on the website. If you are already registered but still experience login problems, however, don't hesitate to contact us as well.

We apologize for the inconvenience and try to get this issue resolved as soon as possible.

Update on website problems

Most problems on the website that we reported earlier have been fixed. The profiles are working again and logging out is no longer a problem. The Dutch version of the profiles will still have some issues as some Dutch translations still need to be inserted.

When accessing the college area, you will be asked to login again as this is unfortunately no longer working automatically. You will be able to login with your regular username and password.

More news will be reported soon.

Problems with the website

Members of the website may currently experience some issues with some parts. There are currently problems with the profiles-section and the logout-button. Other sections, such as the forums and the college, are still working normally.

We apologize for the inconvenience and will try to resolve this issue as soon as possible.